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Politics of Wednesday, 24 November 2010

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I am a man of peace and not violent-Sofo Azorka declares

The acting Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Northern
region Sofo Azorka says, he is a man of peace and unity and not violent as
members of the opposition describes him. He says he and his group respects the
rule of law and human rights and does not see why some people should describe
them as violent.
He said, ‘’ Azorka and his boys always preach peace and unity which we believe
is a sine qua non to national development’’ so why do people describe us as
violent? I really don’t understand. Alhaji Azorka said.
Speaking to Gold News at the final funeral rites of the late Northern Regional
Chairman of The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Alhaji Sumani In Tamale in
Northern region, Chief Azorka as he is affectionately called said, ‘’it’s
important to unite our selves, be peaceful and patient and help each other to
make this region one of the best, I have now realised that with Unity we can
move the country forward’’ Azorka stated.
When asked if he and his group are notorious Chief Azorka noted that, ‘’my group
is not a notorious one, NDC can’t say we are notorious but if you are working
hard for your party the opposition gives you a bad name’’ Azorka said.
Azorka said, he has learnt a lot of political lessons from the demised Chairman
and should the party hierarchy confirm him as the chairman of the party in the
region he will work hard to ensure that the NDC wins all 26 parliamentary seats
in the 2012 general elections.
He urged the members of the NDC to unite for the benefit of the party and the
Azorka described the late Sumani as hardworking, dedicated and committed to the
party whom he as the vice chairs had learnt enough to hold the fort.
Story by: Samuel Ablordeppey