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General News of Wednesday, 10 January 2018


I am indifferent on the return of GITMO detainees – Ablakwa

Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, MP for North Tongu Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, MP for North Tongu

Member of Parliament for North Tongu and Minority Spokesperson on foreign affairs Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has stated that, he is indifferent on whether the government should return the Gitmo 2 detainees.

Some people are also calling for their return just 48 hours after the expiration of their two year stay in Ghana.

The then opposition NPP described the Mahama’s government decision to host the two detainees as a threat to security in the country.

Hon Ablakwa has also stated that, the ball now lies in the court of the Akufo-Addo administration on the matter.

‘’I am indifferent really on the matter let’s leave it to the current government to decide since they can also hold their initial position on the matter when they were in opposition.’’

He added that, ‘’they need to take decision and also inform the American government about it since they later changed their minds to keep them.’’