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Sports News of Friday, 14 April 2017


I can’t work with Tom Strand - Godwin Attram

Godwin Attram Godwin Attram

Embattled Great Olympics coach, Godwin Attram has expressed his unwillingness to work as a deputy to newly appointed gaffer Tom Strand.

According to the former Black Stars player, it will be unfair on the part of the management of the team to impose Tom Strand on him. He maintained that he should be allowed to work since he has the backing of the club's supporters.

”I'm still the coach of Accra great Olympics because the fans don’t want me to leave the club. The fans love and cherish what I'm doing for the club so they dont want me to leave. My only problem with the club at the moment is the appointment of Tom strand. I don’t think I can work with him. The fans believe in my capabilities as a good coach"

”In Ghana, when you speak the truth and you don’t allow people to control you, they tag you as arrogant and difficult to work with. Today they want to go so that they bring somebody they can control and make me an assistant, no way”. Attram fumed

”Where were those people when Olympics was suffering in division one? Do you know the money and time I have invested in the club”. They should have appointed somebody when we were in the wilderness. They should have appointed somebody to qualify us to the premier league"

”I have told management that I need help but not somebody to be the head coach. I gave them three names Didi Dramani, Maxwell Konadu and Ibrahim Tanko to play an advisory role. By God’s grace, all of them have agreed and volunteered to do it.”