General News of Wednesday, 6 December 2017


I don’t know what to do with my $100,000 reward - National Best Farmer

President Nana Addo presents award to Philip Kweku Agyeman, 2017 National Best Farmer President Nana Addo presents award to Philip Kweku Agyeman, 2017 National Best Farmer

The 2017 National Best Farmer, Philip Kweku Agyeman from Dormaa West in the Brong Ahafo Region is yet to decide what do to with the $100,000 cash prize awarded him by the government.

“For now, I cannot tell what I am going to use this money for. I will think about it and maybe use it to benefit Ghanaians”, he disclosed.

“I am happy at the moment and I am considering using it to expand my business or build a nice house for myself and family. …that one will be a monument for me”, the 50-year old farmer spoke on UTV.

Mr. Agyeman from Dormaa has farms that employ 205 workers (casual and permanent) and has been in the farming for 28 years.

He owns 280 acres of farmland which includes 120 acres of cocoa, more than three acres of fish pond, 95 acres of plantain, seven acres of cashew, five acres for orange farms and seven acres for coconut.

He also has 45,000 poultry and other livestock.