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General News of Monday, 23 May 2016


I don’t speak for NPP, Akufo-Addo - Gabby

Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko

A leading member of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP), Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, has told journalists he does not speak for the party’s flagbearer Nana Akufo-Addo.

The founder of policy think tank Danquah Institute also said he did not speak for the Institute or for the NPP.

Mr Otchere-Darko has, over the years, been a key critic of the governing National Democratic Congress, its former leader late President John Evans Atta Mills, and sitting President John Dramani Mahama.

He has been on the frontline of demonstrations, notable among them September 2015’s march by pressure group Let My Vote Count Alliance, organised to pile more pressure on the Electoral Commission to accede to demands for a new voters’ register. The former Statesman editor, like other protesters, suffered brutalities after police flogged protesters for attempting to stray from the agreed route for the demonstration.

Mr Otchere-Darko, whose uncle is three-time NPP flagbearer Nana Akufo-Addo, said in a tweet that he was no spokesman for the presidential aspirant.

He asked journalists who kept calling him for interviews on his views on national issues to visit his Twitter handle for his opinion.