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Politics of Friday, 12 January 2024


I felt a bit humiliated by the entire country - Cheddar on cancellation of ‘The Convention’

Nana Kwame Bediako Nana Kwame Bediako

Nana Kwame Bediako, popularly known as Cheddar, has stated that he felt humiliated and abandoned by the entire nation after the unexcepted cancellation of his event ‘The Convention’ by the government.

The event, initially scheduled for January 7, 2024, stirred considerable social media controversy after the government decided to halt the proceedings.

In an interview on TV3 on January 11, 2024, he expressed his disappointment, revealing the emotional toll the cancellation took on him.

He shared his perspective on the situation, stating, "I felt a little bit humiliated but not by a person or group but by an entire country because then I brought those people, and it looked like everyone had turned their back on me, you know, whether it's the leaders or the government or the nation or the people,” he said.

Cheddar emphasized that he had not initially planned to unveil his political identity at the time but he was compelled to do that at the press conference after the event was halted.

“So, I felt humiliated and I thought that is it because of the mask issue that is why all of this is happening, and I thought how can a mask scare people to that extent that they will restrict me from doing so many things.

"...and just saying it is all about the mask, so I was pushed (to unveil myself) but spiritually I felt the voice that talks to me, saying that just take it off if that is the problem,” he added.

Some prominent African leaders and activists billed to speak at the cancelled event included: Zimbabwean Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao, Kenyan Professor P.L.O Lumumba and former Nigerian presidential candidate Peter Obi.


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