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General News of Tuesday, 18 August 2020


'I haven’t read Ahwoi’s book' – Kofi Adams

Former NDC National Organizer, Mr Kofi Adams play videoFormer NDC National Organizer, Mr Kofi Adams

Former NDC National Organizer, Mr Kofi Adams, has stated that he is unfamiliar with the contents of Prof Kwabena Ahwoi’s book titled ‘Working with Rawlings’.

Commenting on the book, he claims to have not read yet, Mr Adams said the timing of Prof. Kwamena Ahwoi’s book is inappropriate.

He believes the content of the book does not present the National Democratic Congress in a good light, therefore, it should not have been released at a time when the party is preparing for a major election.

“I haven’t read the book but it shouldn’t have been released at this time. This shouldn’t be happening now. At this very critical time when we need to come together and kick out this bad government. Our elders shouldn’t be doing this now. We need to be focused. It’s not the best of times,” he told OKAYFM’s Kwame Nkrumah Tikese.

Meanwhile, some members of the party including NDC’S Chairman for the Volta Regional Council of Elders, Mr Dan Abodakpi, has described portions of the book as an attempt to discredit the political legacy of Mr Rawlings.

Many others including Kweku Baako and Raymond Archer have also criticised the timing of the release of the book, predicting that it could affect the NDC in the upcoming 2020 general elections.

However, Rawlings himself has also expressed dissatisfaction about the book and how he has been portrayed by Kwamena Ahwoi.

“There is nothing ill-timed about Kwamena Ahwoi serving dankwansere soup at this time. He needed to knock down Rawlings to preempt the exposure that Rawlings’s book, “The Triumph of Evil” promises to reveal about some of them.

"People like him do not expect the NPP to let go of 2020. So they are hoping to utilize the opportunity of a loss to damage Rawlings with some vicious, manufactured stuff. Their cunning calculation is that Mahama and his running mate will step aside after 2020 while they consolidate their control over the party and provide their own flag bearer and running mate for 2024," the NDC founder wrote on Twitter.

The book ‘Working for Rawlings’ chronicles Prof. Kwamena Ahwoi’s experience while working with former president Jerry John Rawlings.