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General News of Monday, 30 January 2017


I’m unaware of my presidential posters - Sylvester Mensah

Sylvester Mensah has denied knowledge of  posters announcing his NDC presidential ambition Sylvester Mensah has denied knowledge of posters announcing his NDC presidential ambition

A former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) Sylvester Mensah has denied knowledge of posters announcing his intention to contest during the presidential primaries of the National Democratic Congress (NDC)

In a statement issued and signed by him, he said “My attention has been drawn to a poster in circulation announcing my interest in contesting the next Presidential Primaries of the National Democrat Congress (NDC). I wish to place on record that I have neither circulated nor caused to be circulated any such poster announcing my intentions.

I am persuaded that our attention as NDC for the moment should be focused on understanding why we lost the 2016 general elections, rebuilding our party, strengthening the grassroots and restoring hope and confidence in our membership”

He has consequently advised party members, the media and the general public to ignore the poster urging members of the NDC to remain steadfast and united for the task ahead in the coming years.