General News of Tuesday, 7 February 2017


I wasn’t obliged for National Service at 40 – Otiko

The minister-designate for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Otiko Afisa Djaba has further explained that she failed to do her national service because she was over 40-years-old when she completed tertiary education.

Madam Otiko’s current explanation contradicts her earlier statements when she appeared before the appointment’s committee.

She had earlier stated that she did not do her national service because she was not in Ghana.

But in a letter addressed to the Chairman of the Appointment’s Committee, Madam Otiko explained that “I did not undertake National Service upon completion of a course of study at the University of Development Studies (UDS), Wa Campus, in 2009, because I was informed that persons who were over forty (40) years of age were exempt from national service.”

She added “I completed UDS in 2009 at the age of 47, and consequently, was under the impression that I was exempt from national service.”

Otiko’s failure to undertake her national service has contributed to the decision of minority members on the Committee to reject her for the ministry. Ghanaian students who graduate from accredited tertiary institutions are required by law to do a one-year national service to the country.

Candidates for national service may on application be exempted from service by the National Service Board on production of valid documentary evidence establishing that an individual has undertaken National Service at an earlier date.

Additionally, graduates who are 40 years old or more could be exempted from undertaking national service.