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General News of Saturday, 12 November 2022


I would have resigned if I was the finance minister - Dr. Smart Sarpong on 'Ken Must Go'

Ken Ofori-Atta Ken Ofori-Atta

Dr. Smart Sarpong, a Senior Research Fellow of the Kumasi Technical University, has backed calls for the removal of Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta as Finance Minister.

All NPP Members of Parliament have come to a consensus that Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta should leave office.

The call to remove Mr. Ofori-Atta started with over 80 members of the Majority Caucus and now the entire Caucus says they are in alignment with the position of the eighty members.

Nonetheless, the Finance Minister remains at post as the President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has appealed to the MPs to let him finish Ghana's deal for financial support from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Reacting to the ongoing agitations, Dr. Smart Sarpong was of a few words stating; "I would have resigned if it were me and allowed someone else to take my place."

He advised the Minister to exit office and use his expertise to help his successor.