Health News of Thursday, 16 May 2013

Source: Essel, Kojo

ICE your phone – it may save your life!

It is said that “brevity is the soul of wit” and another smart man added later that one should “never be so brief as to be obscure.” I will be brief and I do not plan to reinvent the wheel today. The information on I.C.E. has been used in some countries and has worked perfectly. We can do the same once we raise awareness and I believe we will all be better off.
The good news is that one is likely to find a cell phone even in places where you least expect to. Do not hold off, make the necessary change as soon as you read this piece – I did but it is useless if others are not aware, especially the emergency services and you.
ICE at least one contact
How often do we find people in emergency situations with their phones and contacts yet everyone we call is not in a position to help?
I.C.E. stands for IN CASE OF EMERGENCY!!!
Let us make life easy and just put it as ice; no punctuation, no capitals, no spacing just to make sure we are all on the same page.
Put ice in-front of a contact or contacts you will want people to reach on your behalf in an emergency. So you could have “ice kojo essel” and key phone number.
I recommend “icing” three (3) contacts and PLEASE let them know you have used them for that purpose. Make them aware of some basic information about you such disease, hospital or at least where to get the necessary information. Choose reliable people who will do everything possible to assist you.
ICE vital information
• You can even make life easier for those who have to assist you in an emergency by icing your diseases, allergies etc.
o Ice hptn, dm (this could mean you have hypertension and diabetes)
o Ice allergy drug A (means you are allergic to that medicine)
For now let us all perfect the ice contact bit and then we can develop the other aspects. I hope the Red Cross, NADMO and other relevant agencies are reading. I am aware many people have smart phones and can keep loads of information but remember that the person who may come to your aid may not be phone savvy or may not even have the time to unravel the mystery of your phone. Make your cell phone even more useful. GO AHEAD AND ICE AT LEAST ONE (1) CONTACT TODAY.

Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel
Moms’ Health Club

*Dr Essel is a medical doctor and is ISSA certified in exercise therapy and fitness nutrition.
Thought for the week – Friday 17th May is World Hypertension Day and the theme for 2013 is “Healthy Heart Beat – Healthy Blood Pressure.” Note that “Individuals with Atrial Fibrillation (abnormal heart beat) have a risk of stroke that is 3 – 5 times greater than those without atrial fibrillation.” – Heart & Stroke Foundation.
