715 Ghanaweb visitors took part in a poll held from November ?-?
Question: IFC Loan Controversy: Has your opinion of the NPP Govt...
Improved | 23.08% |
Stayed the same? | 27.13% |
Worsened | 49.79% |
Unedited Comments From Some of our Visitors
It is hypocritical for the government to claim it did due diligence check on IF"C", when it ignored to look in with Better Business Bureau or Dunn and Bradstreet. What kind of due diligence check did it do? Sending Ministers on per diem allowances when any of the two Ghana Missions in the USA could have told them IF"C" is unknown?BBK
A friend recently asked me : Has your Finance minister got his head screwed on well?
I have full trust in the government and hope with patient things will be OK. I want to beg the good Ghanaians to have more patient with the government and let us vote them again in the 2004 election so that they will have their full two terms of office before voting them out. This should happen to any party that will come govern the state. We will be doing a dis service to the nation if we are to be changing govenments within some short time of their office. what ever programme's the government has put in place, let us all co-operate and give the government enough time to carry out implementation for the good of mother Ghana. Thanks
Edmond Bukari
What is this Government taking us for? "When the sent is bad, everybody will hear it" I am now convinced that the NPP government lacks the direction and focus as to how to lift the country from its present economic predicaments. Fellow citizens of this great nation lets all be proactive and expose them before the send us down forever. A word to the wise ...........
Wilfred Oduro
It is a shame for a government who believes in the rule of law and has zero tolerance for corruption to sit down unpertubed at the waste of scarce national resource.
The fact that the loan did not materialized is not a big deal, after all you can only try. If you go to borrow and the crediter doesn't honor the deal you forget and look else where, why should this be a problem. I simply can't understand some Ghanians and the politics of this loan.
K. Boateng
It is so unfortunate that JAK (aka Wofa Zelo) has managed to push the whole blame on this IF"C" loan onto the IFC trio of Osafo Marfo, Acquah and the double-face JH Mensah.
JAK should be ashamed of himself and this should be a lesson ....so he stops travelling in order to use the little time he has to supervise the bunch of INEPT PHD holders he has trusted with our lives, money and destiny. Yet again, the per diem adventure is very lucrative for a shallow guy like JAK to forgo. A word to the wise...........
Kwasi Ghanaba
There is no transparency in most of the transactions the NPP gov't has undertaken over the last two year period.
Ato Kwamena, Bronx, NY
There is the need to saty focus on our devpt effort and stop behaving like an already developed country. frequently, you hear people's criticism on this loan and wonder whether they want any thing good for ghana. There is a diiference b/n willfully causing finacial loss and perfroming normal govt. task and encountering difficulties. What os the soveriegn guarantee and is it a lost tot he nation? You see in developing countries, we need unity and support to achieve and who wins elections and etc. if kwasi botew etc today will chace the presidency, we need to be more careful. What is the nature this so called IFC scandal? If you need a loan and could not get it what is the big deal except when you make political capital oiut of it. Look at USA, the econ. is sick, fragile security, leadership fraility and yet the RP wins overwhelming in both houses, what we need is beyond this assessment of NPP on the basis of this loan. has Ghana lost anything, this should be the question and I challeng any one to tell me if the loan does not mature what is the big loss to ghana
Kweku (USA, Raleigh, NC )
the entire loan agreement was shrouded in secrecy and the government would not let in Ghanaians on the true picture of the the lenders. It smacked of corruption and kick-backs. No wonder it has backfired on them. I wish this would be a political lesson for them as they childishly lambasted the NDC, which raised some genuine questions on the loan, as rather nation wreckers who were envious of the gov't progress and efforts at making lives worth living for Ghanaians. The entire cabinet should bow its head in shame and those responsible for this wild goose chase be brought to book as soon as practicable.
I think the NPP government is genuinely bent on developing Ghana but this should not be done at the expense of public opinion. Opponents of this loan initiative believe the loan will not benefit Ghana in the long-run considering its costs, other terms and the process of acquiring the facility. I would suggest they reconsider the decision for this loan despite their majority in parliament which is always there to approve their bills. Listening to public opinion is the only way NPP could retain its seats in the next elections. The government should bear in mind that after being elected the electorates could only participate in the business of government through expression of opinions on issues like this and they have no other way until they patiently wait for the next elction to exercise their votes. Therefore until the next election the gevernemtn could rely on opinion polls scientifically conducted to test its popularity.
Kwame Koomson
The opposition in paliament forewarned the government the government but as an arrogant govt. "too known" they didn't listen.
What a shame!.
We are sick and tired of being lied to by selfish, contemptous leaders who think they know more than what they really do and are entitled to life by a different set of rules. If the people who manage the national coffers can fall victim to this Agege type 419 scam which a JSS graduate by careful analysis can identify it for what it is, then we need to haul their butts before the FAST TRACK COURT for causing financial losses to the state for their frequent travels in negotiating for the non existent "I"FC loan and for the bigger crime of selling Ghana's sovereign guarantee.
B. jay
Isn't it a pity to have a government that doesn't take risk and look elsewhere apart from the backward IMF/World Bank? So for the NPP government to look elsewhere is much appreciated by me, cause that's the only way we can move forward. So for me, if the money comes hallelulay if it doesn't I say NPP keep up the good work.
What sort of gov't pins it's economic agenda to a loan?Loans mean DEBT.DEBTS put the debtor (the people of Ghana-not the gov't) at the mercy of the creditor.Does this gov't not understand this?
I cheris the laudable idea to solicit for loans to develop our great nation Ghana. However a loan to the tune of $1billion will not come on a silver platter. I still have the positive thinking that so long as those who are working on it on behalf of the nation have not given up there is hope that it will come. I wish the nation Ghana and the government well, I don't believe in negativity, the pull himdown attitude.
Addo Kwesi
How ddoes one have a favorable opinion on a Governement who employs his tribesmen to call-in in FM stations to praise his programes. "Ahwenepa nkasa", so says a Ghanaian adage. If his programs were that good, there wouldn't be the need for him to employ his relatives to in to radio stations to praise him. Kuffuor has shown to be the most inert, corrupt and lack of priorities. He must hang his head in shame, call for early elections and save himself from this political hallucination.
C.Gyamfi Boateng
One of the reasons why I voted for the NPP was that the leadership was made up of people who looked highly educated and may be able know what their are doing. I thought they were smart enough to see through all the machinations of international finance capital. It looks like I was wrong. Some of their actions lack common sense. If the international community cannot even identify the IFC, its officers and even office, how can a poor third world countrie somewhere in the West of Africa be able to deal with them in case something went wrong? Remember the Black Star coach.
Also, there has not been transparency in all the actions surrounding this loan. Many genuine questions have been raised and as at now, the government has not been able to provide satisfactory answers. Thirdly, it looks like these "great men" of NPP are falling for cheap and easy source of money. Fine, but remember it can be dangerous. They look to me to be too interested in what they and the party will get to reason through the issues surrounding this loan. The conditions of this loan are too suspicious for my liking. NPP please involve us, don't ignore us.
Kwesi Yeboah
My opinion remains unchanged because I have always regarded this Government as clueless and incompetent. If anything at all, they have confirmed this opinion. I weep for Ghana.
Kofi Nartey
NPP has shown nothing to the effect that the IFC loan deal was a fair or genuine one. Hardly had they also given up on it and apologise to Ghanaians how wrong the whole show was and is. NPP in my view has been a real dosappointed in the political arena of Ghana. They're better as OPPOSITION and we'll definitely send them back there.
These people are rogues chase them out now or ghanaians will pay a price with them enriching their pockets
lanre funshomi
I always knew they were a bunch of hungry people anyway but I never expected them to stoop so low!
Concerned Citizen
This shows the govt is not bold to say the truth when things go wrong in transactions and hence the govt iis insincere to the people who voted them into power
I think this a sham. The background of the company is enough to tell u this is not a place to obtain a loan of that magnitude. I am still sceptical about this loan. I am surprised that our learned finance minister and the governor of bank of Ghana including the president had faith in this company regarding this loan. We do not need people in govt who can be deceived, the Kuffour govt MUST GO
Nana Kofi Brobbey (San Francisco, Ca )
How could anyone feel that these people will seek the interest of the country. They are all crooks seeking to hold on to power and fill their pockets in the process.
Guy Foxx