Religion of Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Source: Ivan Heathcote - Fumado

IMF bailout: Government will soon approach church for financial support – Prophet Manasseh Atsu

Prophet Prince Manasseh Atsu Prophet Prince Manasseh Atsu

The general overseer of the Watered Gardens Church, Prophet Prince Manasseh Atsu has indicated that churches in Ghana will soon take up major mantles in the governance of Ghana cardinal among which will be providing financial support to distressed governments. “When we talk about the glory, God talks about the silver and gold which is mine. He was talking about money. A time is coming when governments want money; they will not go to IMF, they will come to the church,” he mentioned. The man of God known for his gift of global intersession made the pronouncement at this year’s 14-DAY Prophetic Arena of the World Wide Word Ministries in the capital Accra. This comes at a time Ghana is in talks with the International Monetary Fund for a critical bailout to restore policy credibility; bolster confidence in Ghana’s economy and ultimately provide a balance of payment support from the Breton Woods Institution. Ghana has been thrown into its current economic distress with a high public debt overhung projected to cross the 100% debt to GDP ratio, a poorly performing cedi lagging at the bottom of the worst performing currencies on the continent, and food inflation which is highest on the sub-Saharan African region. The nation's prospects of going to the international capital market to raise critical funds have also been upset by its downgraded status posted by major credit rating agencies including Fitch, Moody’s, and Standard and Poor’s Global. Quoting Isiah 2:2; the man of God emphasized that the world was in its last days which will see the mountain of the church tower above and attract all the world’s systems to its exceeding great light. Prophet Manasseh asked the nation to watch out for a handing over of major pillars of the nation in education, health, politics, media, governance, sports, recreation, and a host of others to the church. "A time will come when they will say the church built all the nice hospitals. In fact, the Florence Nightingales were all believers anyway and you can take care of sick people more than us. They will say can you please take over healthcare? "A time will come when the psychologists will say we studied de-stressing but you guys have a psychology of winning. The message of hope is in the gospel and it heals better than anything.” "A time will come when the government will say we have tried this street children thing and they go back to begging on the street. We know that you people dispense love and you can take care of them. Can you please take over social welfare?” "A time is coming when the government will say; we keep people in prison here and they come out worse. But we know in church, they can be truly changed so the church, can you take over the reformation of prisoners for us? “ "When they are looking for workers to employ they will say our young men are on drugs, they are weary but we see vibrant, beautiful people in the Church. They will ask the church, Can you help us nurture our youth,” he stated. This year’s prophetic arena held at the instance of Prophet John Anokye was graced by Prophet Dr. Philip Ackah of THEACTS Ministry - Montreal, Canada, and Prophet John Taylor Anokye lead Pastor of Worldwide Word Ministries, in Hamilton, Ontario.