General News of Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Ignore TB’s terror prophecy – Security Analyst

Prophet T. B. Joshua Prophet T. B. Joshua

Security analyst David Agbey has calmed fears of the public concerning an imminent terror attack on Ghana and entreated the public to disregard doomsday prophecies and predictions by pastors.

“Some of us are not surprised about these issues concerning pastors and prophets trying to cash in or trying to touch on the emotions and conscience of Ghanaians,” he noted in an interview with Class FM’s Naa Dedei Tettey on Monday 11th April, 2016.

This was in reaction to a prophecy of terror attacks on Ghana and Nigeria by Nigeria’s Prophet T B Joshua, who told his congregation on Sunday, 10 April, during a sermon at the Synagogue Church of All Nations that: “I am seeing Thursday, Friday, Saturday – if I may say Thursday – because these evil people, they are very funny. Anything can just happen. You will be very shocked to see what will happen, because when the prayer is going in this direction they [attackers] change [to another] direction.”

Ghana’s western and northern neighbours, Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso, have suffered terror attacks in the past few months. Those attacks followed a similar one in Mali.

Coming on the back of these attacks, the prophecy has stirred some fear among Ghanaians.

But Mr Agbey says security agencies in the country are on high alert and “what the country is doing is to monitor all our territorial boundaries to ensure a peaceful environment”.

According to him, “The nation is beyond some of these predictions. We are not going to base on predictions and some of these prophecies to put security measures in order. Already, we have the military, police and other security agencies picking signals, so, no one takes the country by surprise.”

To him, the country should continue to monitor what is happening globally and institute measures to address any such threats. Meanwhile, the Christian Council of Ghana has urged Ghanaians to be calm. General Secretary of the Council Rev Dr Opuni Frimpong said: “Before prophecies or anything, we have been told that the security people have given that signal… but ask yourself, ‘What has changed? What is different?’

“In this country, anybody who drives a V8 [vehicle] with tinted glass does not stop at police check [points]…the police allow them to go. We must be professional. Yes, we have prophecy and everything, but we must be responsible. We should not sustain fear and panic," he advised.