General News of Sunday, 12 December 2004

Source: GNA

Imams express concern over Mobila's death

Tamale, Dec. 12, GNA - Imams and elders of the Anbariya Mosque in Tamale have expressed concerned about the recent disturbances that led to the death of Mr Issah Mobila, Branch Chairman of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union of the Trades Union congress (TUC) in military custody.

In a statement to the Northern Region Security Council (REGSEC), signed by Issah Mahmudu, member of the Mosque Committee on Sunday, the Imams demanded explanation from the REGSEC in their letter of December 9 in which they gave firm order to Security Agents "to return fire for fire" in which ever direction it came.

The Imams also asked the REGSEC to explain why they decided that all those who were causing trouble in the Metropolis be picked and put in military instead of police custody.

The statement noted that Ghana was under a constitutional rule, which guaranteed the human rights of all persons and that the behaviour of the security personnel that emanated from the powers given them by the REGSEC violated the fundamental human rights of the people.

The Imams said: "The order that the security personnel should return fire for fire in which ever direction it comes, clearly shows a gross disrespect for the right to life of all persons". "The order for arrested suspects to be handed over to the military and to be put in military guardroom has no place under our constitutional democracy".

According to the Imams, many people were frightened and feared to sleep in their homes due to the security personnel's arbitrary midnight arrest and torture being carried out in "a typical June 4 style". The Imams demanded to know the circumstances that led to the arrest, detention and torture resulting in the death of Mr. Mobila.

They also requested the REGSEC to restrain the security forces from brutalising and torturing innocent citizens in the Metropolis and urged them to allow the due process of the law to be applied when dealing with suspects.

The statement urged the government to identify and prosecute all those persons who had a hand in Mr Mobila's death.