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General News of Monday, 18 October 2004

Source: GNA

Imbalance in the distribution of health personnel

Koforidua, Oct. 18, GNA - The Association of Health Services Administrators of Ghana (AHSAG) says there is imbalance in the distribution of health personnel between the rural and urban areas because of lack of motivation for the average health worker. The Association noted that despite the existence of a human resource policy office of the Ministry of Health to resolve the problem of inadequate staffing the problem still persisted.

"They do not feel motivated to accept, let alone opt to serve in the rural areas," Mr. Lucio Derry, Secretary to the Association, said during an interaction with the press at Koforidua on Saturday. The interaction formed part of activities marking this year's annual seminar and conference of the association.

Mr. Derry suggested that incentive packages should be applied across board and be guided by "equity and team building principles", as a way of motivation the staff. "Such a strategy will curtail and minimize industrial actions and low productivity," he held.

He called on Regional Human Resource (HR) Managers to take advantage of the partial decentralization of HR functions by the Ministry, as well as increased budgetary allocation to the districts, to develop effective regional policies.

Such regional HR policies should be able to effectively deal with intra-regional in-balance in staff distribution, utilization and retention, he said.

Mr. Derry called for joint efforts between the Ministry of Health and the District Assemblies in staff recruitment policies in favour of deprived areas.