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Regional News of Tuesday, 9 December 2003

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Implementors of District Health Insurance Schemes urged to use funds judiciously

Implementors of District Mutual Health Insurance Schemes (MHIS) have been advised to use the funds allocated to them for the establishment of the schemes judiciously to ensure that their people derive the maximum benefit from the funds.

The Eastern Regional Coordinator of the Partners for Health Reform Plus (PHRplus) Mr. Ronald Oppong, gave the advice at a two-day training workshop for the members of the New Juaben Municipal Mutual Health Insurance Scheme Implementation Committee and Publicity Co-ordinators at Koforidua on Monday.

He observed that, the establishment of a Mutual Health Insurance Scheme for a Municipality would not be easy but with careful planning and strategizing, the New Juaben Municipal Mutual Health Insurance Scheme could be a reality.

Mr. Oppong said this year, his organization had organized over 15 training workshops for MHIS in the Eastern Region which are at various stages of development to help build the capacity of the schemes for effective organization and management..

He said among the beneficiaries of the training workshops were the District Assemblies, Civil Servants Association and School Health Insurance Schemes.Mr. Oppong said PHRplus would support the implementation of the government District Health Insurance Law and also collaborate with other donors to provide technical and logistic support to the schemes. He said his organization also had plans to help build the capacity of management of the existing schemes to enable them manage the schemes better.