General News of Saturday, 14 September 2002


Importation Of Right-Hand Steering Vehicles: The People's Voice!

Ghanaweb conducted a poll on the importation of right-hand steering vehicles to Ghana. Below is the result of the poll

Question: Right-Hand Steering Vehicles Importation should be....

Allowed 13.9%
Banned Outright 71.9%
Banned Unless Authorised 10.7%
No Opinion 3.5%

Here are unedited comments from some of our visitors

Kuffour stop moving the goal post just to suite your relatives. Stop this “Ban and Unban” *******.
-- Kojo

Why do countries develop or adapt standards. Simply because in every society there must be law and order. Lets look around and see what most developed countries have.
We had a standard no importation of right hand drive vehicles and there was no point changing that law to suit peoples personal interests disguised as national interests.
If someone wishes to dash you something the thing must be useful to you. We just shouldn't start changing our laws at every turn because someone os dashing us anything.
Hello!!!!! tomorrow Britain is donating 100, 40yr old buses to Ghana. Do we change our laws to remove that taxes just imposed. This parliament and government just rediculed itself.
-- Michael Dedey

JAK, like many of us Asantes, has got an extended family to take care of, but to bend the rule since 1974 when we went "NIFA NIFA" in order to allow his relatives to break the law of the land by importing wrong vehicles is way beyond comprehension.

Why in God's name would we want to go backward. jeez fellow Ghanaians, i thought that was why we changed from driving on the left side of the road.
-- anonymous

To allow importation of right-hand drive vehicles into Ghana will enable Ghanaian residents in UK to export vehicles especially commercial vehicles in large quantities. This might help the economy in terms of transportation and agriculture. Why should Ghanaians in UK travel to other European countries to purchase vehicles to export to Ghanna, which incurs substantial costs?
-- Kwame Boateng

I can't just believe this is happening in Ghana and its being enforced by the npp government "PUE PUE MA WU OOO". Yes i must cry, because i thought the NPP were here to save us but i think they are going to be worse so am begining to think that what the ex-president said was true. Please NPP don't disgrace me, I purposely travelled down to Ghana to vote for you why this sudden change. Infact this is a negative change not positive so you better sit upright and think or your days would be number, right-hand drive cars? hn pleeeeeese.
-- nanahene

The bill authorising the Minister of Roads and Transport to use his discretion to allow the importation of right-hand drive vehicle will continue to be a very indelible black spot on the present Government for a long time. The ammendement of the law is not in the interest of of the people of Ghana because of the obvious dangers.
-- Kofi Nutsukpo

I am sorry to say that some Ghanaians especially politicians do not think about civilisation.Great countries like England allow both right and left hand cars to ply on their roads without any probem. England is amongst car manufacturing countries in yhe world. Ghanaians cannot even make a pen for their students but they are always quick to dispute every idea that is beneficial to the country. The so-called right-hand buses imported into the country have eased the transport problem dramatically. Who are the critics? What is their argument against the right hand cars? The greatest fools rae the trotro owners, Taxi drivers and their owners who feel threatened by the presence of the buses. Kuffour administration should allow all right hand cars to be imported to the country once they are within the age limit. Ghanaians wake up from your long sleep and lean.
-- George Frimpong

Let us not use our selfish and partisan interest over-shadow national interest.
-- kobby gomez

As long as Ghana has changed to driving on the right-hand side of the road and since then banned the importation of right-hand drive vehicles, that ban should hold. It is even wrong for a government institution to bring into the country right-hand drive buses under the guise of experimenting its suitability for our roads.
-- Stephen Datsomor

I am amazed that right hand vehicles have already been imported into Ghana. How come? I thought this had been banned for some decades. Under what circumstances were these vehicles allowed into the country? Ghanaians should not allow politicians to throw dust into their eyes....especially the corrupt politicians. We have come a long way! God Best Ghana.
-- Ato Kwamena

Why, cant we move forward. We spent millions to educate Ghanaians in the 1970s to go nifa nifa not the NPP government wants to send us back. Oh my people when are we going to learn. Lets focus on unemployment, povert reduction and stop this nonsense because someone is getting ready for 10% cut somewhere.
-- Nana Kwame Antwi-Boasiako

It's about time we stopped doing things which cause the outside world to think that Ghana is not a serious nation.Why right hand steering vehicles again on Ghana roads?Haven't we stopped driving on the left since 1974?
-- lordaluupa

Check the results of the poll (Click here)