General News of Thursday, 7 May 2009

Source: GNA

Improve Communication Standard - STRACOM

Accra, May 7, GNA - Ms. Esther Amba Numaba Cobbah, Chief Executive Officer of Strategic Communications Africa Limited (Stratcomm-Africa) on Thursday called on media practitioners and training institutions to raise the standard of the communication industry. "Developments in the global market place and the changing face of information, communication and technology industry demand that communicators especially media practitioners consistently upgrade their professional skills to uphold the image of the industry," Ms Cobbah stated.

Ms Cobbah therefore called on media owners and practitioners to collaborate and dialogue with the business community for the needed support to improve standards in the industry. The CEO stated these during a call on the Editorial Heads of the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Accra to formally announce the company's 15th anniversary and share its achievements so far. Other members of the team included, Ms Gillian Heathcote, Communications Manager, Ms Anna Otena-Duah, Human Resources Manager and Mr Archibold Adams, Corporate Service Officer, whiles the GNA team comprised Mr Boakye-Dankwa Boadi, Supervising Chief Editor, Mr Mawusi Afele, News Editor and Mrs Yaa Oforiwah Asare-Peasah, Deputy News Editor.

The 15th Anniversary which is on the theme: "Raising the Bar in the Communication Industry," will lined up activities such as media forums, interactive programme for media practitioners and the business community, tour of media houses and a national Praise Jam. Ms Cobbah, who is also the Director of the Centre for Development and Intercultural Communications commended GNA for the continuous support to the business community in the country, especially the agency's adherence to professional standards and ethics. "GNA's contribution to the development and widening of media landscape is meritorious, we in Stratcomm-Africa value your effort in spite of the numerous operational challenges you face," she noted. Ms Cobbah called for support for the agency to enable it maintains its leadership role in the communication industry. Mr Boadi called for support for the agency to maintain its manpower resources stressing "the agency is under serious middle level manpower constraint".

He said in spite of its leadership role and contribution to national development, protecting the interest of the state and building on national cohesion, staffs were poorly motivated. Mr Boadi said the Agency established on the eve of Ghana's independence and charged with the "dissemination of truthful unbiased news" had maintained its tradition and over the pass ten years had never appeared before the National Media Commission to defend any story. cohesive nation-state.

He said GNA has therefore been operating in the unique role of mobilizing the citizens for nation building, economic and social development, national unity and integration. Mr Afele said in spite of the liberalisation of the airwaves, the Agency has maintained its role as the preferred source of news and information on Ghana, Africa and the World.