Africa News of Friday, 19 February 2021


In Tanzania, coronavirus triggers vaccine denials, death, fasting

John Pombe Magufuli, President of Tanzania play videoJohn Pombe Magufuli, President of Tanzania

Tanzania has had a busy week relative to the coronavirus situation - despite government's formal denial of the virus' existence in the country.

In a span of a week, Tanzania has recorded its first high profile death from the virus. Government through president John Joseph Pombe Magufuli has reiterated that the coronavirus pandemic was a stern test from God.

Consequently, the country must remain resolute in seeking God's intervention. Magufuli has thus tasked citizens to undertake a three-day fast to seek the face of God.

What Magufuli said at funeral of top aide

Magufuli was speaking today, February 19 at the funeral of his chief secretary, John Kijazi, who recently died of an undisclosed illness while undergoing treatment.

"It is possible this is another test but with God we will win. Let's not scare each other because we will not overcome. It's possible we have offended God or we're being tested and I'm urging that we stand by God.

"I ask you Tanzanians if we have slipped let's continue praying to God and fasting from today, tomorrow and the day after. Religious leaders continue encouraging prayers, we will win. God cannot forsake this nation."

Zanzibar Veep dies of coronavirus

Zanzibar, a semi-autonomous island region of Tanzania, lost its First Vice President, Seif Sharif Hamad, to the coronavirus. The 77-year-old who died early this week was the first person to publicly declare their virus status in months.

He was buried on Thursday - February 18. Husein Mwinyi, the president of Zanzibar, announced seven days of mourning with all flags flown at half-staff. He said he had learned “with great sadness [of] the death of Seif Sharif Hamad.”

Magufuli also sent condolences via a social media post to the people of Zanzibar and the party to which the deceased belonged, ACT Wazalendo.

Formal gov't denial of coronavirus

Government has for months now denied that the virus exists in the country and has tasked citizens to stick to herbal remedies to combat the disease.

Testing for the virus was suspended last year after government expressed doubts over the veracity of outcomes from the national laboratory. Release of all virus statistics have been halted since April 2020.

Tough talk on vaccination efforts

When the issue of vaccines came up recently, President Magufuli warned against it. Whereas the Minister of Health also stated categorically that there were no plans to procure vaccines.

"You should stand firm. Vaccinations are dangerous. If the white man was able to come up with vaccinations, he should have found a vaccination for Aids by now; he would have found a vaccination of tuberculosis by now; he would have found a vaccination for malaria by now; he would have found a vaccination for cancer by now.

“The Health ministry must know that not every vaccination is meaningful to our nation. Tanzanians must be mindful so that we are not used for trials of some doubtful vaccinations which can have serious repercussions on our health,” Magufuli is quoted to have said.

Having declared the country covid-free, Tanzania was among the few African countries that did not place any curfew or confinement to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

“We have lived for over one year without the virus because our God is able and Satan will always fail. The Health ministry should be cautious, and avoid the temptation to turn us into a country where vaccination trials are conducted freely,” he said.

“In a certain country, its girl children – aged below 14 years – were vaccinated against what was said to be cervical cancer, but it later emerged that the vaccination was meant to make them infertile,” Magufuli added.

Countries like the United States have warned their citizens from traveling to Tanzania to avoid risks of contracting the virus.

In its update, the U.S. cautioned its citizen against traveling to East Africa, assigning Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi Level 4 alert.