General News of Friday, 6 December 2019


Inadequate classroom, desks and enchroachers - Lady writes about challenges of O’Reilly SHS

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A concerned citizen, known as Patricia Akosua Ampadu, has reached out to to amplify daunting challenges currently facing O’Reilly Secondary School.

Patricia Akosua Ampadu notes that despite the many challenges of O’Reilly SHS, the school has thrived tremendously in the area of academics and has chalked notable laurels from participating in debates, science and sports competitions.

In a letter to, Ampadu reveals the school has inadequate classrooms to accommodate students as well as tables, chairs and desk to facilitate learning.

She adds encroachers have taken over O’Reilly SHS on the school's land and washroom facility.

Patricia Akosua Ampadu writes: Currently, the school has four blocks that house offices and classrooms:

BLOCK 1-Administration office

BLOCK 2- Asst. Head’s office, improvised science lab, classrooms and senior house staff office

BLOCK 3- heads of department office, school counsellors office, classrooms

BLOCK 4- Classrooms

The school inherited eighteen 18) classrooms from an encroacher who willingly and graciously gave in the land with the existing structures for the school. Out of the 18 inherited classrooms, eleven (11) have been converted into offices (Administration, Headteacher's office, ICT lab, staff room, library, Accounts office, counsellors office, heads of Department office, senior house staff office, improvised science lab, assistant heads office).

A philanthropist, Brig. General Nunoo MENSAH built a nine(9) unit classroom block for the school.

In effect, the school has fifteen(15) classrooms for a student population of one thousand four hundred and sixty-one (1461) and still counting.

If we are to distribute these students evenly into the existing classrooms, a class would have ninety-seven plus (97+) students in it.

Due to the inadequate desks and tables and chairs, some of the students use plastic chairs and write on their laps.

This if not curtailed as soon as practicable, would make some of the students develop various spines issues.


Building of a science block which was started in 2013 has come to a standstill.

A six(6) unit classroom block which was also started around the same year has also come to a halt.

A foundation was laid and pillars raised for some units of classroom block, that one too has been abandoned and the contractors and workers have packed all their working tools from site about two years ago.


The school shares the same compound with the residences of the many encroachers.

This can pose security threat to students even though we have lived harmoniously all these years


The school has no assembly hall or dining hall. All events are organised in the open space and sometimes the students are made to ensure the harsh weather conditions during these events.

The current place we call "place of convenience" is a slap in the face of humanity.

No toilet facility is available for the entire student population (boys and girls) and the only place we call a urinal is turned into an island after every downpour.

It is a pity. The drainage system in the school is very poor. When it rains, the roads leading to the school are not accessible and not easily pliable.

Cars refuse to bring the students to the school due to this bad road network.

Even the paths and roads within the school is not easy manoeuvring your way through.

No science laboratory for effective and continuous laboratory works, no visual arts studio, no home economics practical room and storage room.

The challenges are so numerous that we cannot exhaust them if I should continue.

In spite of all these challenges, students and staff through perseverance and endurance, have managed to bring the school to the academic limelight.

Today if you searched for the best 100 SHS, you would see O'REILLY SHS rubbing shoulders with the already established best schools we have known for some time now.

A fourth oldest school of 94years cannot be neglected in this manner. I am by this making a clarion call to all and sundry, PARENTS, OLD STUDENTS, EDUCATIONSITS, POLITICIANS AND PEOPLE OF ALL WALKS OF LIFE to join in this campaign to make O'REILLY great and strong.