General News of Thursday, 7 March 2002

Source: Chronicle

Independence Anniv. claims 46 casualties in K'dua

This year's 6th March Anniversary celebration at Koforidua was hit by casualties as 44 students and two security personnel collapsed at the parade held at the Jackson Park.

They were taken away by the Red Cross and given first aid to regain consciousness.

A source at the Red Cross tent, where the first aid was administered to the victims, said the cause of the high casualty among the contingents was the very high humid condition at the parade ground.

In all 1,520 students from both public and private schools in the New Juaben Municipality participated in the march-past.

Other contingents included the armed forces, prisons service, police, fire, immigration and the New Juaben Municipal guards.

Conspicuously missing at the parade were the GPRTU guards, market women and traders, the 31st December Women's Movement, as well as other non-governmental organisations, who are noted for participating in ceremonial parades over the years.

Their missing in action caused a sort of argument among the crowd of spectators, as some said they were NDC groups and since the party is not in power they could not participate in such ceremonies.

If there were anything good to write about, then it was the splendid gymnastic display put up by the Adweso Trinity Presbyterian Primary School, which won spontaneous applause from the officials present and the large crowd that thronged the parade ground to watch the ceremony.

The contingents who were smartly dressed made the march-past competition very keen, as they marched with calculated steps and composed swings of arms.

At the end of the competition, AME Zion schools placed first in the JSS category, foll0wed by Ada Schools, while the third place went to Afidwase School.

For the second cycle category, Koforidua Technical Institute was first, Koforidua Secondary Technical School placed second, followed by Pope John Secondary and Junior Seminary.

They received certificates of honour.

The regional minister, Dr. Francis Osafo Mensah, paid glowing tributes to the former leaders who fought for the independence of the nation, especially the late Dr. Ako Adjei, who unfortunately did not live to see this year's anniversary.

He advised the students to take their studies seriously and respect their leaders and authority.