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General News of Wednesday, 5 March 2008

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Independence Day Message From Atta-Mills

On the occasion of the 51st birthday of Ghana our Motherland, I take this opportunity to thank God for brining us this far.

51 years ago, the Great Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of blessed memory, and the gallant freedom fighters, both known and unknown, dropped sweat, shed tears of joy, with some losing their lives for us to be able to stop flying the Union Jack and singing “God Save The Queen”, and to fly high the, Red, Gold and Green with the Black Star, as well as our being able to sing, “God Bless Our Homeland Ghana” with pride, honour, dignity, self esteem and a great sense of belonging to this geographical space we call our home.

We have come a long way, and still have a long way to go.

The legacy the Founding Fathers left for us, was, Ghana being the shining star and the beacon of hope for the African Continent and on this 51st birthday of ours, it must be the pledge of those of us who now have the mantle to lead, to also pledge to push forward the frontiers of what the Founding Fathers started.

On behalf of the party I lead, the National Democratic Congress, and on behalf of myself, I wish all of us a happy birthday.

It is my fervent prayer that this year will bode well for the nation so that we will go through a very peaceful / free and fair election, come out of it peacefully and more united, solidly support whoever is given the mandate to govern after President Kufuor, so that together, we can give to Ghana what she deserves and bequeath to her, a legacy that posterity will be grateful to us for.

May God continue to bless our homeland Ghana.

John Evans Atta Mills (NDC Leader & Presidential Candidate)