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Sports News of Friday, 10 March 2017


Injury boost for Olympics as Abel Manomey returns to training ahead of mantse derby

Abel Manomey is back in training for Great Olympics Abel Manomey is back in training for Great Olympics

Great Olympics lethal forward Abel Manomey has recovered in time for his side’s Ghana Premier League clash with their regional rivals Hearts of Oak.

Manomey missed the club’s two previous games after he picked an injury in their match day four clash against Bolga All Stars.

Ahead of the match of the week, Monomey has started training and he is ready for Sunday’s game.

“I have started training, i missed our last two games because of an injury but i’m now fit for Sunday’s game against Hearts of Oak,” Manomey told

“I’m fully fit for the game but whether i will play on Sunday or not it depends on the coach because he has the final decision, but for me i’m ready.”