General News of Thursday, 24 November 2016


Innolink burns printing plates

National Security and EC supervised the burning of the plates National Security and EC supervised the burning of the plates

National Security and the Electoral Commission (EC) of Ghana have supervised Innolink, the company contracted to print election materials, to burn the plates used for printing the notice of polls for the Greater Accra and Volta regions.

Burning of the materials took place at Agbobloshie in Accra on Thursday, November 24. Various stakeholders were given the permission to witness the destruction process.

Class FM’s Nii Otenkorang Ankrah was at the venue and reported that the action was taken after accusations by some political parties that more ballot papers could be printed with the plates and used to rig the upcoming December 7 polls.

The opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) had raised red flags, questioning why some plates were taken from the office within the week. But the marketing head of Innolink, Michael Quatson, said it was for the purposes of destruction.

He assured that due to tension in the build-up to the elections, better communication would be provided on subsequent occasions to clear any doubts.

"They (NPP) were asking questions and the questions have been answered. What we took out was names of poll. From hindsight and looking at the intensity of the elections, next time round we will inform them that this is what we are doing," he said.