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Regional News of Thursday, 8 June 2006

Source: GNA

Inspire citizens to participate in governance - DCE

Manso-Agroyesum(Ash), June 08, GNA - Mr Ben Kwakye-Adeefe, Amansie West District Chief Executive has stressed the need to inspire Ghanaians to participate actively in the democratic dispensation of the country.

He said to lay a firm foundation for the nation's democracy at the grassroots and be meaningful citizen's participation in governance should not be limited to elections but all activities that would promote local participation in decision making.

Mr Kwakye-Adeefe, made the call at this year's Constitutional Week celebration in the district at Manso-Agroyesum.

He said Ghana's vision to become a middle-income nation could only be attained when there was an informed citizenry who could participate meaningfully in all facets of socio-economic and political life of the country.

Mr Kwakye-Adeefe, reminded parents of the importance of education and urged them to send their children to school. Mr R.A. Coffie, Amansie West District Director of National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE), asked Ghanaians to be vigilant and resist any attempt by individuals or groups of persons to subvert the country's Constitution.

Mr Oduro Danso, Amansie West District Registrar of Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), urged the people to report any cheating and abuse of office by government officials to the Commission for redress.