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Politics of Thursday, 2 February 2012

Source: x fm95.1

Interdicted CPP Youth Organiser pours venom on party leaders

National Youth Organizer of the Convention People¹s Party, Murtala Mohammed, has bemoaned the activities of the party¹s executive council over what he says is monopoly of leadership in the party.

He deplored the excessive control by the executives in running the affairs of the party. He explained that the leaders at the helm of affairs have taken monopoly over the party and would not tolerate disparate sentiments from the party members.

Murtala Mohammed expressed that the executive council led by the chairperson, Samia Nkrumah, has become complacent in executing their duties and as a result crippling the progress of the party.

He slammed the leaders for tyrannizing and dictating to everyone within the party.

Citing some problems confronting the CPP, he said ³one individual or two individuals think they should tell everybody what to do in the party.²

He stated that the executives have become tightlipped about the challenges facing the party and accused them of holding meetings without prior notice to the party officials.

He added that the party members cannot dissent to the decisions taken by the leadership since such persons are labeled as reactionary and punitive measures are taken against them.

³One individual or two individuals think they should tell everybody what to do in the party. That is a big problem. So, for example, you can¹t have a contrary opinion to that individuals or individual. That is it, that¹s a problem.², he lamented.

He continued that the executives often do not explain the purport of their decisions to the party officials.

The CPP National Youth Organizer, Murtala Mohammed, was interdicted last year for making certain disparaging comments about the personality of Samia Nkrumah, who after elected as chairperson, had a fierce bout with the party¹s 2008 Presidential candidate, Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom.

Murtala described Samia Nkrumah as an ³Egyptian Goddess².

He justified his recent accusation that the executives have ³sheepishly² allowed the General Secretary, Ivor Greenstreet, and the first woman chairperson of the party, Samia Nkrumah, ³to go scot free on their various and negative pronouncements² as he rhetorically asked ³Don¹t you think also my interdiction is more hasher than that if there¹s anything harsh? What have I done?²

The executive council found his pronouncement abysmal to the character of the chairperson and asked him to render an unqualified apology but was later interdicted.

Murtala Mohammed in a rejoinder to the executive council raised concerns about the leadership and alluded to William Shakespears¹ book ³Julius Caezar² that ³Like Julius Caezar, the ides of December was when the plot to sack Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom from the Party finally hatched. On that fateful day, instead of resolving the impasse, you (council of elders) took your turn one after the other to rain insults on the personality of Dr. Nduom.²

He questioned the basis for his interdiction emphasizing that he has done nothing wrong and is waiting to appear before the disciplinary committee.

³I¹m still waiting to see what will happen. If the disciplinary action is not exhausted, why should I just decide? I want [people] Ghanaians to know that I have done nothing wrong, okay. So, Ghanaians should see what is happening to an individual who is expressing a dissent in a democratic party like CPP.², he said and pledged his commitment to the party.

Story by Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi/X fm95.1/Accra/Ghana