General News of Saturday, 15 September 2007

Source: GNA

International Literacy Day Celebration held at Tongo

Tongo, Sept. 15, GNA - Professor Dominic Fobih, Minister of Education, Science and Sports has commended personnel of the Non-Formal Education Division (NFED) of the ministry for their efforts to reduce illiteracy, poverty and ignorance in the country.

He noted that through the National Functional Literacy Programme (NFLP) poverty, diseases and illiteracy had reduced drastically. Professor Fobih made the commendation in a speech read on his behalf by Mrs Agnes A. Chigabatia, Deputy Upper East Regional Minster at this year's national celebration of International Literacy Day at Tongo in the Upper East Region.

He pointed out that NFLP had helped to improve the human resource base in the country that was crucial to national development. "Functional literacy is an indispensable tool for the elimination of ignorance and poverty as well as an asset for individual, community and national progress," he added.