General News of Monday, 24 December 2007

Source: Salam Mahama

Investigation into Gambian deaths hits a snag


Our investigative sources in Dakar have revealed that that staff in the Ghanaian Embassy in Senegal were concealing information related to the murder of the 44 Ghanaians killed in cold blood in The Gambia 2 years ago. This has made it difficult for Interpol to finalize a report on the murder to be submitted to the UN that might have otherwise made the investigation easier.

Officials of The Embassy in Senegal have been in the forefront of the investigation and are believed to be in possession of critical information gathered in the ensuing days after the murders two years ago but have failed to transmit the information to Interpol. The concealment of information has been brought to the notice of the appropriate authorities and further investigation is being carried out but a few heads have already rolled.

Over a year ago, it was being rumored in The Gambia that the Ghanaian officials had been bribed by the Gambian Government to kill the story but our investigations have not been able to prove this definitely. As a result, the revelation of the information concealment has cast fresh doubts on the integrity of officials involved in the investigations.

In related developments, two prominent members of the President Jammeh’s killing squad, Captain Solomon Jammeh and Major Musa Jammeh died in recent months under similar mysterious circumstances. These soldiers are widely believed to be part of the team that executed the Ghanaians and our sources revealed that Major Musa made some confessions regarding this moments before he passed away on his hospital bed but the nurses were warned to keep their mouths shut. The mysterious deaths of these soldiers have sparked wild rumours that they are being ‘eliminated’ to kill evidence related to the murder of the Ghanaians and journalists that have gone missing.

About 44 Ghanaians and 10 other nationals mainly from West Africa were killed on the 23 July, 2005 in The Gambia,. Evidence suggest that they were last seen alive and in the custody of the Gambian authority. The Ghanaian and Gambian Governments agreed to investigate the issue and for about 2 years no head way was made public, following pressure by NGO’s, families of the deceased and the Press it came to light that The Gambian Government was refusing to co-operate with their Ghanaian counter parts. ”, Revelations from official source in the Gambia on the murder suggested that the Gambian President ordered the killing because he suspected they were mercenaries sent to overthrow him.

It is believed that the failure of The President of The Gambia to attend the AU submit in Ghana was because a number of groups had organized “a citizen arrest” of the Gambian leader for his role in the murder.

Salam Mahama