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General News of Thursday, 26 July 2018


Involve diaspora communities to boost tourism - Director of Diaspora Affairs

Akwasi Awua Ababio, Director of Diaspora Affairs at the office of the President play videoAkwasi Awua Ababio, Director of Diaspora Affairs at the office of the President

The Director of Diaspora Affairs at the office of the President says one way to improve tourism in the country is to ensure that tourism ambassadors selected for the country include diasporans.

According to Akwasi Awua Ababio, diaporans are the best people to promote tourism packages in the country.

He said “we should be looking at embracing the people in the diaspora to be a major component of ambassador that can go out and sell our tourist packages because when anybody wants to go to any place I believe the first thing they want to know is who knows this place best not what is written about so much about it and there is no better people than people the who come from that”.

Speaking at the Ghana-Nigeria Tourism and Culture show in Accra, Mr Ababio noted that poor sanitation is also a factor to the low patronage of our tourist sites.

“It’s about time we consciously go out to make our environment good enough to let people come in. The more we get a tidy city the more we are able to get people to visit,” he said.

Akwasi Awua Ababio added that his office is currently drafting a “diaspora engagement policy” which seeks to enable government to have an engagement with the diaspora community.