General News of Monday, 6 April 2020


Is coronavirus the only item Ghanaians are going to rely on to vote? - A.B.A Fuseini quizzes

A.B.A Fuseini, Member of Parliament for Sagnarigu A.B.A Fuseini, Member of Parliament for Sagnarigu

Member of Parliament for Sagnarigu has rubbished some social media reactions suggesting that Akufo-Addo’s social policies and intervention measures adopted over the past weeks as part of efforts to stop the spread of coronavirus in Ghana, will win him power come December 2020.

According to A.B.A Fuseini, Ghanaians should wait for the policies to be implemented before they endorse Akufo-Addo for the upcoming elections as he is well known for lip service.

Akufo-Addo, in a televised message Sunday, April 5, announced, among other things, a tax holiday for all health workers, for the next three months. “All frontline health workers will receive an additional allowance of fifty per cent (50%) of their basic salary per month, i.e. April, May, and June. The March allowance will be paid alongside that of April.” He said.

He also revealed government is absorbing the water bills for all Ghanaians for the same three-month period. The announcement attracted a lot of reactions from some Ghanaians on social media, majority of them suggestions that these interventions will cost the NDC’s win to power come December 2020.

Commenting on the development however, Member of Parliament for Sagnarigu, A.B.A Fuseini says the intervention of government in these trying times, is not the only factor Ghanaians will consider to score or rather underscore the Akufo-Addo administration.

“Those are NPP people and social media). Is Coronavirus the only the single item Ghanaians are going to rely on to vote? And in any case you will measure what they have said to what they will do. You know NPP they will say one thing and do another thing. Even common PPEs for health workers have they bought it. The health workers insurance, if you don’t get the PPEs for them they will even die before they get these packages, so what is it?

A.B.A Fuseini believes government should have absorbed both water and electricity rather than just water bills.

“If you were to ask Ghanaians between electricity and water which of the two will they want government to absorb. Water rates are relatively low than electricity bills. Many people don’t have water to even wash their hands with soap. Just recently you saw how the people of Nugua, Teshie and Labadi have been crying for water. Meanwhile, when NDC was in power their water was flowing. Today they don’t have water, so if you go and tell these people they are not paying water bills, they don’t even have water so which bill are you absorbing?” he said He is of the conviction that Ghanaians will weigh several other factors before the emergence of the Coronavirus to make their final decision in the upcoming elections.

“Some of the issues in policy wise are boosters. It is not the policy people are interested in, they are interested in the implementations. So you have to wait for the implementation before you determine whether or not what they said they will do in respect of the nurses and doctors is being done.” He added