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Politics of Wednesday, 10 March 2021


It’s sad Appointments Committee, NDC MPs approved Hawa Koomson as a minister – Awutu Senya East NDC

Communications officer of Awutu Senya East NDC, Delali Sewoekpor Communications officer of Awutu Senya East NDC, Delali Sewoekpor

Members of the National Democratic Congress in the Awutu Senya East municipality have expressed disappointment in the Appointments Committee and parliament for passing Mavis Hawa Koomson during her vetting.

According to the Communications officer of Awutu Senya East NDC, Delali Sewoekpor they also feel betrayed by the NDC MPs for approving Mavis Hawa Koomson as the Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister.

In a press release sighted by GhanaWeb, Mr. Sewoekpor said, “We are heartbroken that the Appointments Committee and Parliament saw perhaps no need to uphold the constitution which provides for the citizens of this country our basic rights by rejecting Hawa Koomson.

"Now, to our side, I mean the NDC caucus in Parliament, did not only betrayed their own members in Awutu Senya East Constituency.But their actions simply put means Hawa Koomson is at liberty to inflict more mayhem on their own NDC members in any subsequent elections. Isn’t it ironic that upon all the mayhem visited on die hard NDC members including our constituency secretary, Mr Amadu Tuariq, Hawa Koomson managed to secure shocking votes even from our own side?" he questioned.

He stated that the party's decision to pass Hawa Koomson is equivalent to subjecting the supporters to inhumane treatment.

Read the Awutu Senya East NDC press release below.

Press Conference Addressed By Awutu Senya East NDC Constituency Communications Officer.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the media, Good morning. Thank you for showing up to give us audience even after this short notice.

We gather here this morning to express our disappointment in Parliament’s Appointment Committee as well as the house for the verdict passed on Madam Hawa Koomson.

We consider this very act as an affront on Ghana’s constitution and an endorsement of thuggery, vigilantism and violence.

It is absolutely shocking to see our legislative arm of government that makes laws for us endorsing the things abhorred by our constitution by this singular act.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the various acts of violence perpetrated by Madam Hawa Koomson and her hoodlums is already known by you our media men, and the entire country and I’m sure as pressmen you may not have been surprised when Ghanaians expressed disappointment in Nana Akufo Addo right from the onset when he nominated Hawa Koomson as a minister in his second term.

To Ghanaians living in other parts of the country, they may just be concerned that their taxes are going to be used to pay a woman whose only strength in politics is her constant delight in thuggery, but for us as residents in Kasoa, her approval is an endorsement of all the atrocities she visited upon innocent constituents of Kasoa, especially NDC members.

Her unqualified apology shrouded in hypocrisy when she faced the vetting committee can never be in any case a basis for the decision by parliament to qualify her for the position.

If indeed, she was sorry for the happenings during the voters registration exercise which transcended into the polling day, she wouldn’t have continued to afflict constituents with physical assaults. We all witnessed what happened to Mr Amadu Tuariq on January 1.

She is yet to show any genuine remorse for her gangster behaviour which as a result has left some NDC members physically damaged.

But Ladies and Gentlemen, let us also mention that it is a bad precedent to the fledgeling democracy of our country, since her approval prepare the ground for more radical action of violence likely to be engineered by Madam Hawa Koomson in the days ahead since she has been emboldened by the whole legislative body. Sadly, we may have to prepare for a full bloody showdown going into the next elections specifically in Awutu Senya East Constituency.

We are heartbroken that the Appointments Committee and Parliament saw perhaps no need to uphold the constitution which provides for the citizens of this country our basic rights by rejecting Hawa Koomson.

Now, to our side, I mean the NDC caucus in Parliament, did not only betrayed their own members in Awutu Senya East Constituency, but their actions simply put means Hawa Koomson is at liberty to inflict more mayhem on their own NDC members in any subsequent elections. They have disappointed us hugely for the ‘honour’ bestowed on Hawa Koomson for subjecting their own members and supporters to these inhumane treatment.

Isn’t it ironic that upon all the mayhem visited on die hard NDC members including our constituency secretary , Mr Amadu Tuariq , Hawa Koomson managed to secure a shocking votes even from our own side?

Ladies and Gentlemen, our side in parliament have exercised a gross dishonesty, disloyalty to the party and betrayed the same party upon which’s wing they fly.

We would humbly like to caution the NDC MPs however, that they should refrain from any subtly attempt to apportion the blame on our national executives. Let us remind them, that at a meeting with the national leadership which includes former President John Mahama, the National Chairman, our General Secretary, our National communications officer including some national executives, as well as members of the special committee set up specifically to deal with this issue of who should be approved or not, they gave their word and even assured the leadership that they(NDC MPs) were going to disapprove some nominees most especially Mavis Hawa Koomson, only to turn around and give us a shocking verdict, an action which has not surprised only NDC members, but NPP members as well.

They must therefore render an unqualified apology to President Mahama, our hardworking national executives and members of this great party especially the NDC members in Kasoa who are the biggest victim of Hawa Koomson thuggery and swear off from trying to draw the sacred executives into their betrayal.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Madam Hawa Koomson herself has exposed our MPs and I’m sure you all have come across a viral video in which a jubilant Hawa Koomson said, our members had told her they were going to reject her at the committee level but will approve her in the parliamentary chamber once she manages to entice them with a token. Her revelation even exposes how unfair and hypocritical those members who betrayed us can be if her claim of inducement is true.

How could some of them even the face of all the evidences of torture orchestrated and sanctioned by Hawa Koomson on our own members and take such a charitable decision?

Let me reiterate that we demand a thorough explanation of this development and an apology from them and also caution them to eschew any attempt to draw the national executives of the party into this executed act of betrayal.

We do not want to speak much except to say that, Parliament has demonstrated to us that we are now in a state of survival of the fittest and God for us all, each one for himself. They have demonstrated that impunity is the order of the day and so we’d advise ourselves accordingly. Thank You.