Health News of Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Source: GNA

Italian Embassy donates medical equipment to Korle-Bu

The Italian Embassy on Tuesday donated medical equipment to the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital to help in the treatment of victims who survived the June 3 fire explosion at the GOIL fuel station in Accra.

The equipment, valued at $30,000.00, include a blood bank fridge, spine boards, medical suits for surgery, emergency kits, safety boots, gloves, and meronen injections.

Mrs Laura Carpini, the Italian Ambassador to Ghana, donating the items said the gesture was necessitated by the mutual friendship between Italy and Ghana.

She expressed Italy’s condolence to the bereaved families and said the donation was also to replenish the medical stores of the Hospital, which had been severely affected by the tragic event.

Mr Alex Segbefia, the Minister of Health, receiving the items on behalf of the Hospital, thanked the Ambassador for the donation and said it had demonstrated the love and support Italy had for Ghana.

He pledged that the facilities would be put to good use and urged other organisations to emulate the gesture.

The entourage of the Ambassador and the Minister, who included Dr Gilbert Buckle, the Chief Executive Officer of the Hospital, and Dr Igor Marcialis, an attaché at the Italian Embassy, visited the National Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and Burns Centre and interacted with the patients.