Politics of Thursday, 23 August 2007

Source: Nuamah, Abdul Sami (NPP UK & Ireland)

JAK to lead

Ladies and Gentlemen, come 22 December 2007 the NPP party is going to choose its flag bearer, and as such the country and the NPP in particular is witnessing an unprecedented influx of candidates moving across the length and breadth of the country soliciting for support.

Among all those candidates, one of them stands tall and he has proved over the years to be a very prominent leader, he is the person of John Alan Kyeremanten (JAK).

As we all aware the game of running the presidency has changed tremendously over the years. We have witnessed the calm and gentle approach president Kuffuor takes in running the affairs of the country and it has worked perfectly for him and the nation in general. It will be detrimental not only to the NPP in winning the next general election but to the people of Ghana for the freedom they have enjoyed if we try to reverse this style of government. What we have to bear mind is that power is not moving from radical and arrogant Rawlings regime to NPP but from gentle and respectful Kuffour to NPP.

As such when it comes to choosing the next leader, it should be somebody who can fit perfectly into Kuffuor shoes without much adjustment or alteration. It should be somebody with the likeability factor who can win the next general election without much work on image and character, somebody with a clear instruction on how he will run the affairs of the country. JAK fits exactly into this description. He is the bridge between the young and the old, he has a very strong personality that is admired by people all over the country, he has a track record of successfully implementing the PSI, he has before moving to government served with the United Nations and has proved to be a good business man and an entrepreneur. When it comes to academic credentials, he is a Lawyer, an economist and above all a businessman.

This man, I will say, has been ordained by God to lead the country to build the nation on the good foundation laid by President Kuffuor. This is an opportunity for Ghana and NPP so lets grab it.