General News of Wednesday, 14 April 1999

Source: null

Japan seeks Ghana's support for UN post

Accra (Greater Accra), 14th April ?99 ?

A Japanese diplomat on Monday called on President Jerry John Rawlings at the Castle, Osu, to seek Ghana's support for his bid to become Director-General of United Nations Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

Mr Koichiro Matsuura, Ambassador in France, said his candidature has the full backing of the government of Japan. Mr Matsuura, who was a diplomat in Ghana between 1961 and 1963, spoke about his country and said from a humble beginning "Japan now has the capacity and the will to help other countries." "My country will continue to play this role and give support to developing countries," he said.

President Rawlings said several candidates have emerged for the post which is now being occupied by Mr Federico Mayor of Spain. He told Mr Matsuura: "among the various candidates we find you one of the most capable. Your chances are as good as those of the others. "Therefore, when taking a decision as to which of the candidates to support, we shall take a lot of things into consideration. Japan has played a great role in our development."

President Rawlings said in seeking to create a just world, the role of UNESCO is vital in view of the need to step up its education programmes. "The role of UNESCO cannot be ruled out." On Yugoslavia, President Rawlings welcomed United States Secretary of State Maldeine Albright's call on Russia to play a role in finding a peaceful solution to the conflict there. "Mrs Albright's invitation to Russia is in the right direction," President Rawlings said, adding that NATO's bombing is creating a lot of discomfort and could escalate and spill into Albania.

President Rawlings said Yugoslavia has already been made aware that it cannot carry out the murderous campaign it did in Bosnia a few years back. "Therefore, Mrs Albright's call is welcome."