You are here: HomeNewsDashboard2005 06 18Article 83940

Politics of Saturday, 18 June 2005

Source: GNA

Jasikan and Kadjebi DCEs retained

Jasikan, June 18, GNA- Two President's nominees for the post of District Chief Executives (DCEs) on Friday had the approval of their assembly members at separate sessions of the Jasikan and Kadjebi Districts in the Volta region.

Mr Solomon Donkor, who was retained as the Jasikan DCE, polled 64 out of the 65 votes cast, one against, representing 98.5 per cent. Mr Kofi Adjei Ntim, the DCE of Kadjebi was also retained, polling 40 of the 42 votes with two rejected ballots, representing 95.2 per cent of total votes cast. Mr Donkor, an Accounts Officer and Mr Ntim, a development expert, until their re-nomination by the President had served a year-and-half and four years respectively as Chief Executives for their respective districts.

Mr Donkor thanked President John Agyekum Kufuor for his re-nomination and commended the assembly members for the endorsement adding that it justified their trust and confidence reposed in him. Mr Donkor asked the members to co-operate with him to ensure the development of the Jasikan district. Mr Ntim pledged to co-operate with the assembly members, individuals, and organisations towards the development of the district irrespective the political, religious, cultural and ethnic differences of the people.

Mr Ntim said he would implement policies and programmes that would deepen good governance, human resource development and wealth generation.