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General News of Wednesday, 25 July 2018


Jean Mensa, et al fit for EC job – Think Tank

Jean Mensa Jean Mensa

The Strategic Thinkers Network-Africa (STRANEK) has said the nominees for the Electoral Commission job are “competent and fit” for the positions.

The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has reservations over the nominations, describing the EC chairperson nominee Mrs. Jean Mensa as pro-NPP.

However, the policy think tank holds a different position, arguing they have the credentials for the office.

That notwithstanding, STRANEK added that “as to whether they will be fair and not bias in their modus operandi is questionable.”

The Nomination

Jean Mensa was nominated by President Akufo-Addo on July 19 as the chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC).

She is to replace Charlotte Osei who was removed with her two deputies – Amadu Sulley and Georgina Opoku Amankwah – by the President following recommendations by a committee set up by the Chief Justice to probe a petition against them.

A statement announcing the nominations of Mrs. Mensah and three others dated July 19 and signed by the Chief of Staff Frema Opare said the President after seeking the advice of the Council of State in accordance with Article 70(2) of the constitution nominated Mrs. Jean Adukwei Mensah — Chairperson, Mr. Samuel Tettey — Deputy Chairperson,. Dr Eric Asare Bossman — Deputy Chairperson, Ms Adwoa Asuama Abrefa — Member of the Commission.

According to the letter, the “President Akufo-Addo is hopeful that the Council of State will discharge its constitutional duty expeditiously, to enable him to make these critical appointments to this very important institution of State.”

Below is STRANEK’s full statement:


The Strategic Thinkers Network-Africa (STRANEK) believes that the highest offices of the Electoral Commission (EC) should not be left unoccupied hence it is a step in the right direction for H.E. the President to make such nomination. However, the selection must be sacrosanct since the EC is in charge of inter alia, all public elections, referenda.

We also are of the opinion that H.E. the President must wait for the outcome of the suits with regards to the way and manner in which the EC Chairperson, Mrs. Charlotte Osei and her two deputies, Mr. Amadu Sulley and Mrs. Georgina Opoku Amankwah were removed as a sign of respect to the people of Ghana.

We are astonished by the publicity of the appointments of the new EC bosses when Council of State has not given its advice. We do not want to believe this is a disguised way to push the Council of State to a corner and accept the nominations hook, line and sinker.

H.E. the President can involve all political parties in the selection of the EC bosses in order to have a fair and neutral selection since the Electoral Commission is not for a political party but for all and sundry.

That notwithstanding, we agree the nominees to fill the vacancies at Electoral Commission are competent and fit for the job but as to whether they will be fair and not bias in their modus operandi is questionable.

We are all involved in building our motherland Ghana.


Nii Tettey Tetteh

Executive Director