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Crime & Punishment of Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Source: GNA

Jesus One Touch incest case to be subject of DNA test

Accra, March 23, GNA - The defence in the trial of Nana Kofi Yirenky= i, also known as "Jesus One Touch", Founder and General Overseer of Jesus Bl= ood Ministry, would conduct a DNA test on the alleged victim of incest. The test will reveal whether or not there is semen in her body. The test would also be conducted on the accused Nana Yirenkyi and his house help, known as Efo.

Mr K.N. Adomako Acheampong, Counsel for Nana Yirenkyi, announced this in court after the accused was declined bail for the third time.

The Circuit Court presided over by Mrs Georgina Mensah-Datsa granted the= defence's request to conduct the DNA test alongside the trial. The defence will pay for the cost of the test.

Nana Yirenkyi is on trial for allegedly having sex with her daughter and has pleaded not guilty to incest and defilement. Earlier, Ms Bernice Owiredua Asamaa, victim's mother, a kenkey seller at=

Dawu, in the Eastern Region, mounted the witness box to testify in the we= ll- packed court. Ms Asamaa, first prosecution witness said she befriended Nana Yirenkyi f= or a year and gave birth to the victim.

She said between 2008-2009, the accused took the victim away from h= er. In October 2009, Nana Yirenkyi complained about the victims' behaviour a= nd she told him that she would come for her daughter during vacation. Witness said Nana Yirenkyi however; declined to let her (Ms Asamaa) send=

the victim to Dawu but managed to do so during the absence of Nana Yirenk= yi. She said Nana Yirenkyi called her on phone weeping and complaining about=

the victim's in ability to inform him that Efo had defiled her. Witness said Nana Yirenkyi came to Dawu but when the victim saw him she hid behind Ms Asamaa's sister. "My sister then told me that she was going to ensure that the problem between her, the victim and Nana Yirenkyi was solved." Witness said the victim informed her sister that Nana Yirenkyi use to defile her on Saturdays, Sundays and Tuesdays and used a white handkerchi= ef to clean themselves. "Victim said accused did that when all the people in the house had left for church."

She said Nana Yirenkyi warned her that anytime she disclosed the act= to anyone he would whip her with a belt.

Witness said she informed her brother who confronted the accused over the issue but he denied it.

According to witness, the accused stated that it was rather one Efo, who lives with him, who rather defiled the victim.

Witness said she sent the victim to the Tetteh Quarshie Memorial Hospita= l at Mampong Akwapim and told the medical practitioner that the victim had been defiled.

She said the medical practitioner asked her to report the matter to the Police at Mampong Akwapim.

At the Police station, Nana Yirenkyi broke down in tears and pleaded wit= h her (witness) to intervene since the matter would ruin his life and job. She said the case was later transferred to the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit in Accra.

Witness said a medical form was issued to her to send the victim to the Police Hospital.

During cross examination by Mr Acheampong, witness denied ever demanding GH¢25,000 from Nana Yirenkyi to stop pursuing the case.

She refuted the defence counsel's claims that she and the victim had conspired against the accused because he failed to marry her. Witness denied knowing Efo who the accused alleged defiled the victim. She said she did not notice symptoms of any ailment on the victim. Ms Asamaa said it took the victim three months to inform her about the alleged offence committed by the accused.

Witness admitted that she did not confront the accused over the alleged crime. The prosecution's case was that the victim, who was born out of wedlock= , and lived with the complainant Madam Bernice Owiredua Asamaa, until 2005 when she left to live with the accused at McCarthy Hills in Accra to atte= nd school. Prosecution said between 2008-2009, accused started defiling the victim before every church service.

In November 2009, the accused granted an opportunity to the victim's mot= her to talk to her because she was putting up bad behaviour. It was during the interaction that the victim revealed her ordeal to the=

complainant. The victim was initially examined by a medical practitioner and later transferred to the Police Hospital for further treatment. The matter was adjourned to Monday, March 29. 2