General News of Friday, 9 April 2021


Journalist who lost his wife to cancer documents struggles in new book

Dying Many Times: The Struggles of a Cancer Patient Dying Many Times: The Struggles of a Cancer Patient

Benjamin Akyena Brantuo, a Ghanaian journalist and Corporate Communications practitioner has documented how he lost his wife to cancer in a new book he has authored.

Benjamin lost his wife, Patience Akyena Brantuo, a year ago and he decided to document his experience in a book to celebrate his better half and other people battling cancer.

‘Dying Many Times: The Struggles of a Cancer Patient’ is a book which Mr. Akyena Brantuo unfolds the nine-month experience his family went through with cancer to tell the stories of thousands of Ghanaian families dealing with the disease.

Dying Many Times is a story of a young mother, wife, and student whose dreams were prematurely terminated by Leukemia.

The author demonstrates how everyone is at risk if the suggestions proffered in this book are not treated with urgency.

Benjamin Akyena Brantuo worked as an Aide to the Chief of Staff in the Office of the President as well as Aide to the Minister of Information during the Atta Mills regime.

He was also the Corporate Affairs Manager of Universal Multimedia and a teacher with The Islamic Education Project.
