General News of Thursday, 20 December 2001

Source: .

Journalists Escape Death

Three Ho-based journalists escaped unhurt when a Niva vehicle on which they were travelling on Friday, December 14, got involved in an accident on the Ho-Akatsi road.

The journalists, Winston Tamakloe (Ghanaian Times), Sefenyo Dzokoto (Ghana News Agency) and Sheila Sackey (Volta Star Radio) were on their way to cover a youth programme at Akatsi when the accident occurred.

Ransford Ocloo, Regional Youth Co-ordinator who was at the steering wheel said he lost control of the vehicle after descending a steep culvert thus forcing the car to somersault several times before landing on its side.

The news of the accident disorganised all journalists in Ho as they rushed to the Ho District Hospital to see how their colleagues were faring.