Accra (Greater Accra), 29th June 99-
Mr Justice Patrick Anin, a retired judge of the Supreme Court, on Monday urged members of the legal profession to be resolute in the defence and promotion of justice and human rights.
"As custodians of the law you must interpret legislation on human rights and freedoms on a wider perspective to avoid doubts in the minds of the public", he said.
Mr Justice Anin was delivering the first in the series of this year's Sarkodie, Koranteng-Addow and Agyepong Memorial lectures in Accra.
The lectures are under the general theme: "The need for Ghana Bar and Bench to develop human rights jurisprudence and the rule of law through legal or judicial activism and creativity".
The lectures were instituted five years ago in memory of the three judges who together with Major Sam Acquah, were abducted and murdered in June, 1982.
Justice Anin's topic was, "The need for the legal profession as a whole to be resolute in their defence and promotion of the independence of the judiciary, the defence and promotion of justice and human rights in Ghana".
The retired judge quoted extensively legal authorities and provisions on fundamental human rights as enshrined in the constitutions of some African and European countries.
Mr Justice Anin stressed that it is the duty of everyone to help to protect, promote and observe fundamental human rights and freedoms of the individual.
He urged the Executive, Legislature, Judiciary and all organs charged with the protection of the individual's rights and freedoms to respect provisions on fundamental human rights and freedoms in the constitution.