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Politics of Monday, 13 November 2006

Source: Kwaku A Danso

Just A Gift To Save Your Country.

Fellow countrymen and women,

To me, we are the best selected individuals God has channeled a message of hope through to be delivered to the people of Ghana. We all share the responsibility to bring that message of hope to our people. For almost fifty years, our fore generations have struggled to build our country without much success. Our economy crumbled under the noses of our own leaders, as a result of unfair global competition, but also bad planning, mismanagement, selfishness, greed, and above all bribery and corruption.

Our Country is crying for salvation socially and economically. We all ended up here in foreign Countries because of the absence of opportunities in Ghana, our Country of birth. My friends, do we intend to settle back home someday, when our working lives are over? Do we want to return into a well fashioned society better than we left behind, free of mosquitoes and other preventable diseases? Do we want to return to a country with the promise of enough to be proud of, and never have to look back?

Fellow Ghanaians, if we think our existing political Parties and politicians will ever dream of pursuing a cause for change to make Ghana a better and promising place which we can all be proud of, we will be making a big mistake. Why? The administrative system we have known in the last fifty years favors only the elite few. Unfortunately, because they have entrenched themselves into a class of their own, they do not want to welcome those of us who have stayed outside and acquired broadened minds and perspectives for change, for fear of intense political competition.

The big question is, can a well organized, disciplined, dedicated and selfless group of individuals from nowhere but Ghana, team up and form a viable political alternative to change the political direction in Ghana for the better? Some think it can never be done and have written their own Country out of their minds. If you can write Ghana off your mind, good luck. To some of us, the challenges can be difficult, but that is the essence and attributes of leadership. THEREFORE, WE THINK IT CAN BE DONE AND WORTH PURSUING.

If these politicians can go round the world soliciting for funds from those of us in the Diaspora during political campaign period to entrench themselves and mismanage our country, why should it be difficult to contribute to a Diaspora-sponsored GHANA NATIONAL PARTY - A PARTY THAT IS FOR ALL OF US and HOLDS THE PROMISE TO TURN Ghana around to the standards we can all be proud of? There is only one Country we can all call our home, and that is Ghana! In our lifetime while we still can, the best we can do for our Country is to contribute and be a part for its development. Quoting John F Kennedy “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. A country is created by people who want the land God gave them, and can manage and sustain their lives on it. Are we running away from ours because some previous leaders let us down??

Everybody on this list is aware of the efforts we have done so far establishing “GHANA NATIONAL PARTY” A party we can all be stakeholders of. If you have not had the chance to visit our web site, please have time, and read all about the good intentions of the Party of the people, for the people, by the people. If you have more to add, we welcome your ideas! After all, this is OUR party!

We cannot all move to Ghana to champion these good intentions at the same time, but the few that are prepared to go, need your contributions, to establish logistics for the effective running and administration of the party for 2008 elections. Fellow Ghanaians, the consequences for not doing what we are doing now, shall be catastrophic and unimaginable in the next four years. Let us have confidence in ourselves and have confidence and faith in those who want to sacrifice all the luxuries overseas and go home for this noble cause. Ghana’s human resource bank overseas is abundant; and we want to utilize them to prove within the shortest possible period that our politicians have for the last forty years been nothing but deceitful, selfish, greedy, incompetent and not been faithful to the people of Ghana.

Fellow Ghanaians, any amount of financial contribution will be greatly appreciated.

You can contribute directly to GNP care of the Party office administrator, Mr. Jackson Owusu by Money gram or Western Union, and call or E mail Ofori Ampofo or Dr. Kwaku Danso with Transfer confirmation number. You can also send your donation to any of the two gentlemen above and it will be acknowledged. We urgently need immediate funds to move on BUT if you cannot give anything now, please give a pledge.

Thank you. And God bless. Ofori Ampofo

Ofori Ampofo (Executive Chairman). 908-922-7909 /233-20-936-1849

Jackson Owusu -----233-21-411973 / 0244774483

Dr. Kwaku A Danso------510 573-2125 /233-21-517238