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Regional News of Monday, 10 December 2007

Source: GNA

KAD Foundation re-launched at Chiraa

Chiraa (B/A), Dec 10, GNA-M r Kwadwo Adjei-Darko, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, has appealed to well to do people to assist the poor in educating their children.

He noted that the nation's quest to make quality education available for every Ghanaian child might not achieve the desired objectives if individuals fail to support government's educational efforts.

Mr. Adjei-Darko was speaking at the re-launch of KAD Foundation, set up in April 2003, at Chiraa in the Brong Ahafo Region, to support the education and training of the youth. The Foundation has so far supported more than 60 students at various levels of education.

Mr. Adjei-Darko, founder of the KAD, reiterated that the Foundation aimed at ensuring the proper upbringing and training of the youth. He said the Foundation sought to assist brilliant but needy students irrespective of their ethnic or religious background. "There are several of the beneficiaries who are not even from Brong Ahafo because the Foundation is not discriminatory and the main aim is to soothe the trauma of such youth from poor homes to enhance their education and training."

Mr. Adjei-Darko said education formed the foundation for development urged parents to invest in the education of their children. He expressed worry that some parents were spending lavishly on funerals and other ceremonies. The Minister advised the youth to remain determined in life in spite of the frustrations they were going through. Nana Atta Afena, co-ordinator of the Foundation, urged the youth to regard the Minister as a role model to enable them to attain their goals.