General News of Wednesday, 14 January 2015


KKD "trauma apology" self-implicating evidence – Lawyer

Fashion icon Kwesi Kyei Darkwah (KKD) could get hanged by his own apology concerning his rape imbroglio, a private legal practitioner has told Morning Starr hostKafui Dey.

Francis Xavier Sosu argues that KKD’s apology to his alleged rape victim for the “trauma” he caused her could be self-implicating even though the 19-year-old lady has opted to drop the case.

KKD’s statement, which he issued to the media while still in Police custody read thus:

I, Kwasi Kyei Darkwah wish to make this public announcement that I truly and sincerely apologise for the public ridicule and disgrace that has ensued by reason of the fleeting pleasure of the flesh involving Ewureffe Orleans Thompson and myself.

I acknowledge I have sinned and have prayed to my God for forgiveness for all that trauma I have caused the young woman.

I plead with all in the media to spare Ewureffe and our respective families any further agonies.

Kindly pray for us.
Mr Sosu described the apology as a “very dangerous” piece of self-implicating evidence, which could be used by the State to go ahead to prosecute KKD if the Attorney General so willed, despite the complainant’s decision to withdraw the case.

“I think that it was really needless on that occasion,” Sosu stressed, adding that KKD “should have just been silent until the Attorney General exercises which options are available to [her]…”