Original Story: KMA Boss incriminated in assault case
This is what makes the job difficult. You see there are some press men who are just as corrupt as other public officials we complain about. The writer is Mr Freiku of Chronicle. If I had paid him off he probably will not have publish this story the way he did without my side of the story.
The persons you are talking about refused to stop their vehicle when they were ordered to stop their vehicle by UNIFORMED CITY GUARDS. They had blocked the crossroad at Kejetia creating a massive traffic jam. The City Guards who were using another vehicle attempted to arrest the driver of this particular vehicle. He moved his car as they attempted to stop him, missing one of the Guards by inches. Of Course they opened the door of the Vehicle amid insults from the driver and passenger. I was on my way to a funeral when this incident occured. I came out of my car to plead to the Guards to let the guys go. Nobody was hit or assaulted as is been alleged.
On hindesight, I should have allowed them to arrest the car and put them in jail that morning. May be they would have come out with a different story.This is the price we have to pay in attempting to bring sanity and discipline on our roads. All kinds of accusattions will fly but dont make up your mind until you get the full story. We are not about abusing people but we are also going to be as assertive as we can when it comes to enforcing the bye laws of the city. It is a tough job but we are making progress. I will meet the press this evening at six and I will raise this issue