Regional News of Monday, 6 July 2009

Source: GNA

KMA to embark on decongestion exercise

Kumasi, July 6, GNA - The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) will soon embark on a decongestion exercise to ensure sanity in the central business district of the metropolis.

Mr Samuel Sarpong, Chief Executive of the KMA, said at the assembly's general meeting on Monday that a detailed programme, including discussions with all stakeholders, would be drawn to ensure the success of the exercise.

He said the assembly depended largely on the various transfers including District Assemblies Common Fund, HIPC Fund and Social Investment Fund to finance its development projects. He said efforts should be made to re-strategize revenue mobilization to enhance the contributions from the Internally Generated Funds.

Mr Sarpong mentioned some of the strategies to be adopted as enhancing the data base, regular rebuilding of the capacity of revenue collectors, embarking on regular community education programmes and enhancing the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). He said the assembly had endorsed the establishment of Business Operation Permit (BOP), a giant step taken to expand its revenue base and expressed the hope that its implementation would harmonize the collection of data in the metropolis.

Mr Sarpong said the assembly was indebted to a number of contractors who provided services over the years and that the total outstanding balance to be paid stood at GH¢284,621.88. He said plans were afoot for the assembly to clear the debts by instalment to ensure the execution of its developmental programmes. Mr Sarpong said the Kumasi Central Market, which was gutted by fire recently, would be reconstructed into a modern market to enable the metropolis to attain the status of Garden City of West Africa. He said the Asafo, Krofrom and Bantama markets were also being rehabilitated and hoped that the work would be completed to enable the market women and traders to patronize such markets.

Mr Sarpong said the assembly would continue to collaborate with security forces on all security related issues to make the metropolis a safe place to live and do business adding; "the assembly will apply conflict resolution strategies to maintain peace and harmony". He said the various sub-metropolitan assemblies would be made functional, well constituted and inaugurated to see to their smooth running and that the necessary structures and facilities would be provided to help them to work effectively.

Mr Sarpong said management of waste in the metropolis had been a matter of great concern and that the cost of managing waste was overwhelming and therefore excellent service delivery was not sustainable. He said the assembly had made efforts to promote the privatization of solid waste collection and hoped that it would improve sanitation in the metropolis. Nana Kofi Senya, Presiding Member of KMA, said the sub-metros were the engine of growth and development and that the necessary structures would be put in place to ensure the development of their respective areas. He appealed to the assembly members to forge ahead in unity to enable them to deliberate on issues that would ensure accelerated growth of the Kumasi Metropolis. 06 June 09