General News of Monday, 11 February 2008

Source: GNA

KMA to rid metropolis of beggars and mental patients

Kumasi, Feb. 11, GNA - The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) has instituted measures to rid the metropolis of beggars, destitute and mental patients as part of its beautification programme.

A committee comprising the Kumasi Metropolitan Environmental Health Officer, Director of Social Welfare, Mental Aid Foundation, Convener of Social Services, KMA Public Relations Officer, Metropolitan Guard Services and Metropolitan Commander of Ghana Police Service has been formed to implement the measures.

A statement issued in Kumasi and signed by Mrs Jemima Nancy Asare, Public Relations Officer of KMA on Monday said, the Committee started its work at the weekend and arrested 30 mental patients.

It said the patients made up of 27 men and three women were sent to Kumasi Cheshire Home at Edwinase, Kwadaso in the Kumasi Metropolis and would be catered for.

The statement appealed for assistance from corporate organizations and individuals with funds, clothing, foodstuffs, mattresses, blankets, towels, buckets, plates and toiletries.