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Regional News of Friday, 15 July 2011

Source: GNA

KMA urged to enforce laws on slaughtering of animals

Kumasi, July 15, GNA – The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) has been urged to act decisively to stop the slaughtering of animals at unapproved places.

Mr Justice Kwaku Ibrahim, a butcher, said this had become necessary to assure consumers of meat safety.

He was contributing to discussions at a meeting between the Independent Butchers Association and the Management of the Kumasi Abattoir Company.

It focused on the fixing of new fees by the abattoir.

Mr Ibrahim reminded his colleague butchers to observe good hygienic practices to make the meat they processed wholesome.

He praised the management of the abattoir for the introduction of the new singeing technology which, he noted, had significantly helped to improve the quality of meat produced for public consumption.

Mr Joe Owusu-Boadi, the Managing Director, invited all stakeholders to work together to ensure efficient and optimal operation of the abattoir.

He said they had put in place pragmatic measures to make the place the centre of excellence in meat production and processing.