Regional News of Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Source: GNA

Ketu-South DCE urges his people to use public toilets

Aflao, Aug 11, GNA - Mr Frank Bernard Amable, the Ketu South District Chief Executive, has advised people in the area to use public toilets and not defecate indiscriminately at open places. He said defecation in nooks, corners and beaches apart from being an eyesore could result in the outbreak of diseases including cholera and typhoid and the contamination of water bodies.

Mr Amable, who was inaugurating a 10-cubicle water closet facility built by the assembly at Viepe, suburb of Aflao, appealed to landlords to provide toilets in their houses to help eliminate the practice of people crouching anywhere without shame to defecate. Mr Amable warned that the assembly would deal ruthlessly with those who breached sanitation bylaws.

He expressed worry about the inability of managers of public toilets to render accounts making it difficult for the assembly to recoup its investments to enable it to build more of the toilets. Mr Amable said litigation over land was stalling many projects and that henceforth communities would have to give an undertaking in writing that project sites were litigation-free before contracts were awarded.

Togbe Amenya Fiti V, Paramount Chief of the Aflao Traditional Area, complained about the reckless use of public toilets resulting in their short lifespan.

He advised attendants at the toilets to supply only toilet rolls and not old copies of newspapers and cement packaging sacks. Mr Samuel Haligah, Assembly Member of the area, asked the people to use the three rubbish containers he caused to be placed in the area.