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General News of Monday, 24 May 1999

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King Swati 11 leaves for home

Accra (Greater Accra) 24 May ?99

King Swati 11 of Swaziland flew back home on Sunday after attending the just-ended fifth African African-American summit in Accra.

The King, will make a stop over in Nigeria.

He said before departure that the summit to him has been a great success, as acknowledged by many well-meaning delegates.

King Swati said he was particularly overwhelmed by the Ghanaian hospitality and thanked President Rawlings "for this unique gesture".

Flanked by his wife, the king said he was happy with deliberations at the conference and hoped that resolutions and plans to sustain what has been achieved would be really implemented.

This would go a long way to strengthen relationships among Africans and Africans in the diaspora, he said.

King Swati congratulated Rev Leon Sullivan, convenor of the Conference, "for his wonderful foresight to help Africans to eradicate poverty and to help them raise their standard of living through such meetings"

Vice President John Atta Mills, first lady Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings and some key government officials were at the airport to see the King and his wife off.